Author: kristinheck

My New Favorite Workout App

My Favorite Workout App for Home, Gym, or Anywhere Workouts

(**Affiliate Post: I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.)

***Hey everyone! I posted a more recent update on this post here.  So after you finish reading this, head over there to see what else I had to say about this awesome app!

So, I am a self-professed hater of traditional strength training… or at least I was. Continue reading “My New Favorite Workout App”

Lessons Learned – Part 1

I talk about new beginnings a lot… probably because I’ve had more than my share!

Degrees, businesses, break ups… Been there, done it all. Amongst all the beautiful moments on this ride, I’ve failed a lot and made a lot of mistakes.  Some of those mistakes were small blips on the radar, while others were heartbreaking.

Continue reading “Lessons Learned – Part 1”

My Fav Core Workout

(**Affiliate Post: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.)

I am, as of yesterday, officially 8 months postpartum… say what?!  Time moves SO DARN FAST, doesn’t it?  I remember being just a month postpartum and wondering how I was ever going to get my core to work like it used to.  I mean, someone literally cut through my abdominal wall and took a human out!  I didn’t foresee strong abs anywhere in my near future.

Continue reading “My Fav Core Workout”

Learning from #Fails

Alright kids, here comes a little slice of humble pie… I posted on my Instagram last month (p.s. do you follow me on Instragram? Healthy As Heck Instagram) that I was doing the “Gallon a day” water challenge.  I lasted a total of 14 days.  Yup, Health Coaches fail too! I was standing in my kitchen on that 14th day, still working on my long gone cold cup of coffee and realized it was about 3 pm and I had yet to drink any water… oops.  That meant there was no way I was getting in my gallon that day.  The next day seemed to go about the same way and after about 72 hours of this, I realized I was going to have to wave the white flag on this one.

So first let me say, that I do want to talk about water and all its benefits.  So stay tuned for another post all about that under the Body section.  But today I really wanted to talk about what happens when you fall off the wagon.  How do you get back on?

Continue reading “Learning from #Fails”

No Time for Exercise

Y’all, when I was a young, naïve, single, twenty something, I could not for the life of me understand it when people said they didn’t have time to exercise.  I mean, I just didn’t get it.  Couldn’t they just get up earlier or go to bed a little later?  What was so hard about that?

Then I had kids.

Continue reading “No Time for Exercise”

Using the 3-step FIRE Method to Face your Fears

Quote: Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears - Les Brown
(*This post is educational only and is not meant to provide psychological treatment or advice.  If you have a diagnosed mental health issue, or believe you do, you will need to seek out the direct assistance of a licensed mental health professional in your area.  While the educational information below may be helpful, it does not replace or negate the advice of a licensed professional.)

In the last post, I talked about a strategy to work through your beliefs about fear.  (If you haven’t read it yet, go back and review it before finishing this post!). But it got me to thinking about when I used to compete in dance competitions as a kid. I remember standing backstage, in the wings staring at the girl before me completing her routine – knowing that I was next.  I literally had to will myself not to throw up or pee my pants. 

Once I got going I was always ok, but those last few seconds before I had to force me feet to move were SO painful and awful.  If I didn’t experience such joy once I got into my routine, I probably would have quit performing all together. 

I knew getting out there wasn’t dangerous.  I knew I could cope if I failed.  I’ve fallen, forgotten my routine, and done a host of other embarrassing things on stage… and every time… I survived.  So I knew it was ok.  But I still felt so bad that there were a few times I almost didn’t make it on stage.

So what does it feel like to be afraid and what can we do about the physical sensations of fear?

Continue reading “Using the 3-step FIRE Method to Face your Fears”

Birth Story

(**Affiliate Post: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.)

As I began to think about what this section of the blog would cover, I got really overwhelmed thinking of the hundreds of topics all of us moms could talk about.  But then I realized that it probably means nothing if you don’t know a little about my personal pregnancy and birth story.  So, here it is!

My little love’s birth story is anything but straightforward.  It was mostly controlled chaos, which I think is perfect, because that is sort of what life has been like with her since!

Continue reading “Birth Story”

What is this thing called Fear?

What is Fear?  False Evidence Appearing Real

In my last post, I talked about how I planned to make 2018 the year of facing my fears.  But was does that mean exactly? What is fear, exactly?  What is this thing that we let hold us back from so many good things in life?

Continue reading “What is this thing called Fear?”

Jumping Off…









So I’ve decided that 2018 is the year to step out of the box for me.  To do some things that scare me.  The first of those was cutting my hair (more on that in a bit) and the second of those is this blog.  So that got me thinking… what does it take to push past our comfort zones?  Why do so many people fail to ever do it?  And what’s different about the people who do?  In the next couple of posts we’ll talk more about that.  But about that hair…

Continue reading “Jumping Off…”