Tag: all or nothing thinking

Political Opinions: How to Manage Them and Still Have Friends

My original plan for today’s post was to give you some of my favorite fall recipes…

But as I watched election results the other night, I decided to change course (I mean, cookies and food are always important… so they will come in the next post, I promise!)

I don’t talk politics very much (and it is likely my husband won’t be thrilled I decided to write about it today either… sorry honey!). That’s not because I don’t care, it’s because I think we have entered an era where everybody does way too much talking and not enough listening. And when I say listening, I mean listening to a range of opinions. Not just the ones that you already agree with.

This week has been one of those weeks that drove home that point with a sledgehammer. I have a healthy mix of viewpoints on my news feeds. Here’s a small example of the things that jumped out at me yesterday:

1. Videos depicting why a person would never vote for a Democrat
2. Posts about how Republicans are racist
3. Multiple posts making fun of the appearance of female Democratic candidates
4. An insane amount of posts that include derogatory, racist, hateful speech, as well as name-calling

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Learning from #Fails

Alright kids, here comes a little slice of humble pie… I posted on my Instagram last month (p.s. do you follow me on Instragram? Healthy As Heck Instagram) that I was doing the “Gallon a day” water challenge.  I lasted a total of 14 days.  Yup, Health Coaches fail too! I was standing in my kitchen on that 14th day, still working on my long gone cold cup of coffee and realized it was about 3 pm and I had yet to drink any water… oops.  That meant there was no way I was getting in my gallon that day.  The next day seemed to go about the same way and after about 72 hours of this, I realized I was going to have to wave the white flag on this one.

So first let me say, that I do want to talk about water and all its benefits.  So stay tuned for another post all about that under the Body section.  But today I really wanted to talk about what happens when you fall off the wagon.  How do you get back on?

Continue reading “Learning from #Fails”