In last week’s post, (Defining Success on Your Own Terms – Part 1) I left you with a question – what is success? What does it look like?
And the answer is: whatever works for you.
No really, that really is my answer.
In years of doing psychotherapy and then listening to people as I worked with them in the dance/ fitness business I have learned many things, but one of the most consistent things I have seen is that everyone is truly unique. There is no one-size fits all version of successful living. That means, that whatever journey you’ve taken and wherever you happen to be heading is fantastic as long as that journey, generally speaking, brings contentment, joy, satisfaction, and peace.
I think it’s ignorant (yup, I said it) to assume that our journey is somehow better than anyone else’s – because what is better exactly?
Continue reading “Defining Success on Your Own Terms – Part 2”