Tag: health

Social Media and Your Health: 4 tips to Help You Know if your Health or Wellness Coach is the Real Deal

I have a real love/hate relationship with social media. I was in graduate school when Facebook first came on the scene, and I don’t think anyone (including me) could have imagined what it would lead to, for better or worse. On one hand, I think social media has created amazing opportunities for our generation that we could have never imagined. Take communication for example – the ease and speed with which we can disseminate information and the reach people and businesses can now have is pretty incredible. On the other hand, I think we all know that social media has a darker side.

As you scroll social media, how often do you see accounts for influencers and coaches that are providing health, wellness, or fitness information? How often do you stop to consider whether the person behind that account really knows what they are talking about?

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My Fav Finds for a Healthy and Happy New Year

(**Affiliate Post: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. This post also contains other affiliate linking that does not add cost to you, but allows a percentage of sales made through these links to be earned and used towards future content. Healthy as Heck appreciates your support!)

Last week, I talked about how to set goals for the new year that you can actually achieve. This week, I want to share with you a few products that I am incorporating into my life to ensure a healthy and happy new year!

Before I get to the good stuff, I do want to clarify… If you read my last post, you’ll see a section where I said that I think the whole “resolution” idea is driven by those who want to sell us more stuff. I still stand by that. At the same time, I also love products that actually help you work towards being a better, healthier, saner you. I think our goal as consumers should be to remain focused on whether our purchases add value to our lives. And if they do, then I think you should go for it. So, there ya go.

Now, on to the good stuff! My first two faves are for the mental wellness side of things:

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Achievable New Year Resolutions

And just like that, 2019 is here!

A new year ALWAYS comes with talk of resolutions. Did you know new year resolutions rarely work?

U.S. News reports that 80% of people will abandon their resolutions by the second week of February… yikes!

And yet, all I hear this time of year is people talking about making those darn, ill-fated resolutions! It strikes the same chord in me as when I hear people talk about going on crash diets… they are both set-ups for failure, self-loathing, and despair… and yet, here we go again, right?

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Holidays and Dieting

Heading into Thanksgiving Eve, I wanted to put out a little PSA for you:

Don’t “diet” away your holidays!!

I know, that is totally counterintuitive to everything else you hear.  But I’m really being serious here. Our society is brainwashed by the diet industry into believing that to enjoy eating on a holiday is like committing a cardinal sin.  They do this because the diet industry makes a fortune off of it.

The two most common themes you will come across about thanksgiving dinner is the image of people sitting on a couch with their pants unbuttoned and people vowing to avoid all the deliciousness of the holiday so they can maintain their diet.

But, what if there were another way?

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My Quick, Easy, and Healthy Breakfast Favorites!

(**Affiliate Post: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.)

We are starting to get those cold mornings here in Atlanta… you know the ones, right?  The ones where you have to will yourself out of bed and then go searching for the warmest, most cuddly thing in your closet?  And then you go to the kitchen looking for something easy for breakfast, because who wants to work for their meal on a cold morning?  Not me!

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My Go-To Home Remedies for Cold Season!

This has been a rough week for me, so I apologize that it’s been a little quiet on the blog front. I got hit with not one, but two illnesses back to back. Last Sunday morning, I woke up and felt like a bus hit me. Fever, chills, achy, headache… random flu-like stuff. Three days later, just when I thought I was coming out of the woods… Wham! Sinus infection. So much for feeling better!

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