Tag: mental health

Mental Health and Motherhood

Yesterday was ‘World Mental Health Day’ and although I had a different post in the works, I felt this was a more important topic to address.
Paying attention to your mental health is important for everyone.

But today, I really want to talk to my Moms. More specifically, my brand-new Mom’s. If you are feeling overwhelmed, tired, sad, stressed, or any other form of these words… then this post is for you.

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Lessons Learned – Part 3

Toxic Workplace Culture

This is something I knew nothing about prior to my last business venture. Every company I had ever worked for prior to this had blips of drama or difficulties here or there, but they were nothing compared to what I experienced in my most recent career chapter.

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Learning from #Fails

Alright kids, here comes a little slice of humble pie… I posted on my Instagram last month (p.s. do you follow me on Instragram? Healthy As Heck Instagram) that I was doing the “Gallon a day” water challenge.  I lasted a total of 14 days.  Yup, Health Coaches fail too! I was standing in my kitchen on that 14th day, still working on my long gone cold cup of coffee and realized it was about 3 pm and I had yet to drink any water… oops.  That meant there was no way I was getting in my gallon that day.  The next day seemed to go about the same way and after about 72 hours of this, I realized I was going to have to wave the white flag on this one.

So first let me say, that I do want to talk about water and all its benefits.  So stay tuned for another post all about that under the Body section.  But today I really wanted to talk about what happens when you fall off the wagon.  How do you get back on?

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