I had a completely different post typed up and ready to go for today but then I had a moment that struck me yesterday so I decided I wanted to circle back to gratefulness this week (if you missed my first post, Everyday Gratitude, click over and read that now!) The moment that refocused me was a reminder that gratitude can be hard, fleeting, and difficult to maintain. When I hear people talk about gratefulness, I rarely hear them discuss this part of the equation. Unfortunately, I think these tough realities are why people often give up when trying to develop a grateful mindset. It’s not being grateful that’s challenging, it’s maintaining it.
Continue reading “Tips for Adopting an Attitude of Gratitude”Tag: mental wellness
Beyond the Physical: The Non-scale Benefits of Exercise
In the barre class I taught this past week, I closed with a quote on calmness to remind my class of the psychological benefits of exercise. Of course, I now can’t find that exact quote for the life of me, but I did find this one that is as close as I can get:
“You can’t calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do, is calm yourself. The storm will pass.”
Timber Hawkeye
After I shared it, I talked a little about how each person in that class had taken a step towards achieving mastery of mental calmness by getting through class that day. I decided to share that both with them and here, because it’s something that people don’t often think about when they think of exercising. People get wrapped up in the number on the scale, the size of their pants, and the number of calories burned on their fitness tracker, and they forget that some of the greatest benefits of exercise happen in the mind.
Continue reading “Beyond the Physical: The Non-scale Benefits of Exercise”