Tag: postpartum anxiety

Newborn Books – The Good and The Bad

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I recently had a long talk with one of my closest friends who just had her third baby. She and I have both struggled with newborns who were/are intolerant to certain foods and know all too well the mayhem that creates. I don’t envy my friend – trying to juggle a newborn along with two other beautiful but rambunctious little ones running around the house. It’s a lot.

She’s a Rockstar mom. Like, seriously, she’s an amazing Momma who seems to have all this parenting stuff down pat.

So, I was surprised when our convo turned to feeling stressed because she wasn’t following the newborn book script to a T. And then I remembered feeling that way when my little lady was new too. In fact, I believe I called her and tearfully had almost the same discussion with her, but roles were reversed. In fact, I’ve had this conversation with multiple moms and I have come to realize that newborn books can be great, but they can also be detrimental for new mom mental health if they aren’t put in the proper perspective.

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Mental Health and Motherhood

Yesterday was ‘World Mental Health Day’ and although I had a different post in the works, I felt this was a more important topic to address.
Paying attention to your mental health is important for everyone.

But today, I really want to talk to my Moms. More specifically, my brand-new Mom’s. If you are feeling overwhelmed, tired, sad, stressed, or any other form of these words… then this post is for you.

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